注册护理学生小组滚球投注 is one of the oldest institutions of higher education in California. Founded in 1920 as Salinas Junior College, the school was renamed 滚球投注 in 1948, and the Hartnell 社区 College District was established the following 一年. 学院高度关注17,000名学生的成功 can transfer to four-一年 universities or immediately begin pursuing rewarding careers 在职业和技术领域. “学生至上”是教师们永远的口头禅 和工作人员.

In 1936, Hartnell moved into a new building on its current 54-acre Main Campus, at 中环大道411号. 在萨利纳斯, and the college has continued to evolve and grow to meet the changing needs of its 地区,覆盖2300人 Alisal校园的外部视图平方英里,服务245,000人. 多亏了1.67亿美元的T措施债券, which District voters overwhelmingly approved in 2016, Hartnell now has five campus sites – a Main Campus in west Salinas, an Alisal校园 in east Salinas (pictured), 以及金市、索莱达和卡斯特维尔的全方位服务教育中心. 主要的 Campus is 12 minutes driving time to the Alisal校园, 15 minutes to the Castroville center, 30 minutes to the Soledad教育中心 and 50 minutes to the King City 教育中心. 2002年批准的1.31亿美元债券措施得到了偿付 the college’s 68,000-square-foot 图书馆/Learning Resource Center, completed in 2006, 一个学生服务大楼和一个三层停车场.

On the Main Campus, Measure T funds have enabled modernization of its two main classroom buildings, a completely re-landscaped Central Plaza quad, and construction of a state-of-the-art 护理与健康科学中心,计划于2021年1月开放. 主要的 Campus is also is home to the Willard Lewallen STEM Center, which includes a public planetarium; a Center for Performing Arts; and a Student Center, home to the Office of Student Life, as well as a Starbucks and other dining services; and extensive athletic 设施齐全,包括健身中心.

Soledad教育中心的外部景观措施T还资助了一个12500平方英尺的扩建项目,于2021年春季完成 – that doubled the size of the 金城教育中心, which originally opened in 2002. 该中心于2021年春季完工. 新建的16,750平方英尺的Soledad 教育中心 (pictured) was also completed in spring 2021, and the 13,600-square-foot 卡斯特维尔教育中心计划于2022年1月开放. 这三个中心 有干湿科学实验室,豹学习实验室辅导中心,互动式 灵活的教室和社区活动室. 

Hartnell serves the Salinas Valley, a fertile agricultural region some 10 miles wide 100英里长,以及圣贝尼托县南部的部分地区. 它吸引了大部分 its annual enrollment of 17,000 students from Salinas and the communities of Bradley, Castroville, Chualar, Gonzales, Greenfield, Jolon, King City, Lockwood, Moss Landing, 圣阿尔多,圣卢卡斯和索莱达. 学生也来自蒙特利半岛社区 and elsewhere in California’s Central Coast, as well as from other states and countries. 所有这些都吸引了哈特内尔卓越的学术成就和对学生成功的关注 in its four-一年 transfer, nursing and technical programs, as well as a proud tradition 在校际田径比赛中,有14支男女队.


Hartnell has a highly diverse student body, of which 56 percent are in their families’ 第一代上大学. 大约45%的学生是55岁的女性 percent men, with an ethnic makeup that includes 60 percent Hispanic, earning a federal 指定为西班牙裔服务机构. 此外,24%的学生 是白人/非西班牙裔,6%是亚洲人,2%是非裔美国人. (6 没有报告种族的学生比例).

The college recently was awarded two major Title V grants to improve student access and success for underrepresented groups in the STEM disciplines, and it has been lauded by NASA, the NAACP and the University of California, Santa Cruz as being among the nation’s top community colleges in promoting and achieving success for its underrepresented STEM学科的学生. 哈特内尔做到了这一点,在某种程度上,通过杰出的 facilities and intensive mentoring and internship programs with academic and research partners such as the UC-Santa Cruz Baskin School of Engineering, the Naval Postgraduate 学校,你.S. 农业部,蒙特利湾水族馆研究所 以及加州大学戴维斯分校. 哈特内尔的阿利萨尔校区是美国宇航局的所在地 Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Aerospace Academy (SEMAA) laboratory for K-12 学生和他们的家人,西海岸唯一的一家.

毕业典礼后庆祝Hartnell offers the first and second 一年s of a college program, basic skills courses in English and math, and workplace and career training, including a three-一年 bachelor’s 计算机科学学位课程和2+2教师培训课程 partnership with California State University, Monterey Bay, just 15 minutes from Salinas. The college awards the associate of arts degree, associate of science degree and certificates of proficiency, including the strong and successful nursing and allied health program, 他们的毕业生成为了LVNs, RNs, emt和呼吸治疗师. 几年来 运行中,哈特内尔的护理毕业生已经达到或接近NCLEX的通过率 100%.

Hartnell’s state-of-the-art 图书馆/Learning Resource Center provides access to electronic 数据库是信息和学习技术的中心. 学院有 致力于持续的技术增强,包括虚拟化和服务器 enhancement projects that will increase productivity and access for its students and employees, giving them technological advantages that most college and university students 人员还没有.

Hartnell's vibrant visual and performing arts programs includes a theatre arts company called 西方舞台, which is consistently among the most respected arts institutions 在中部海岸. 它的编程是传统的和实验性的,包括 当代拉丁裔剧作家作品的全球首演. 哈特内尔戏剧艺术 faculty partner with the Alisal Center for the Fine Arts to engage and encourage area 追求艺术的年轻人. 学院有一个学生社区管弦乐队 and chorus, and the Hartnell 画廊 regularly presents exhibitions of painting, sculpture 和摄影.

女学生听讲Day, evening and weekend courses are offered in both in-person and online settings. Hartnell is sensitive to its diverse community and offers classes in modified formats 满足工作或有其他外部承诺的学生的需求,例如 those that begin after the regular semester does or are offered in a condensed format. The college offers a full complement of academic and other support services to assist students’ educational progress in a one-stop student services format, available online, 通过电话和面谈. 这些包括个人咨询、经济援助和奖学金 services, international student services, re-entry services, veterans services, sports counseling, disabled students programs and services, assessment testing and career 转学援助. 此外,学校鼓励学生参与 the many clubs on campus and student government through the Associated 学生 of 滚球投注.




  • 露西尔塞拉诺
    电话: (831) 755-6900
    建筑: 滚球投注主校区
    办公室: E栋102室


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