Highlighting the 学生 in our 令人精神抖擞 & 教师衔接课程!

大师和教师衔接项目(TPP)很自豪能够为不同的学生提供服务 来自我们的社区. Here, we will continually feature students in our program and their responses to the following questions:

  • 哪个老师激励了你??
  • Why do you want to become a 老师?
  • What grade level do you want to teach and why?   

这些学生是独特的、积极的、有弹性的个体,我们希望他们能受到启发 you with their story as they've inspired us!

Jesua Bucio ——精神抖擞

Jesua Bucio图片My name is Jesua Bucio and I was born and raised in Salinas California. 我仍然 我不确定我是否会在萨利纳斯教书,还是会在其他地方教书 城市或州. 我想 to teach first grade or second grade. 我认为这是 a perfect age to teach because the students are
不要太小,他们会比幼儿园的孩子更大,更成熟. Mr. 阿什比, 我的高中历史老师激励我去追求成为一名教师的目标 因为他和学生相处的方式以及他讲每门课的方式 about was interesting and fun!

泰勒Ogletree - TPP第4期

泰勒Ogletree ImageI am a Salinas native, and I plan to teach here in the Salinas Valley. 我想 教三年级或四年级,因为那是学生开始真正学习的时候 interesting math and science concepts. Throughout my education, I have had a few 老师 和讲师. My fourth grade 老师 Mr. Hannum was incredibly passionate about 教学. Mr. Lopez here at Hartnell was super inspiring in COM-1 and helped me to find the confidence to be a great student.

特蕾莎修女洛佩兹 ——精神抖擞

特蕾莎修女洛佩兹 令人精神抖擞 imageHello, my name is 特蕾莎修女洛佩兹. I am 21 years old and I was born and raised in Salinas. 我期待着在萨利纳斯教高中数学. 的 我想教大龄学生的原因是因为我想帮助学生建立一个强大的 打下数学基础,使他们能够自信地继续学习. I 也想带走一些焦虑和担心,数学往往带来的 to students and help them enjoy this really important subject.

我决定成为一名教师的一个重要原因是所有这些了不起的老师 I’ve had throughout the years. 一个这样的老师是夫人. Peterson at Monterey County 家庭特许学校. She was my home学校的老师 in the last three years of high 学校. 她总是很善良,支持我,最重要的是鼓励我永远 尽力而为. 我希望能够把这种积极的态度带到课堂上 once I start 教学 and encourage students to do their best.

艾米丽·穆尼奥斯 - TPP第4组

emily munoz - cohort 4 image我叫艾米丽·穆尼奥斯. 我会得到A.A.-T. in Elementary Teacher Education at 滚球投注 and a B.A. in Liberal Studies at CSU Monterey Bay. 一个老师 has inspired me would be my third, fifth, and sixth-grade 老师, 夫人. 盖纳. I 我渴望成为一名教师,因为我想成为改变孩子们生活的孩子 我要确保他们得到最好的教育 可能的. 从我在课堂上的工作经验来看,我很喜欢和 二年级最多. Second grade is a great grade to teach because that is when 他们开始学习课堂管理,能够自己做事情,并且 start to learn more complex material.

Luis soto alvarez - TPP第4期

picture of Luis Soto cohort 4My name is Luis Soto Alvarez. I am currently majoring in Elementary Education at Hartnell 准备去加州州立大学蒙特利湾分校攻读我的文科学士学位 studies with a multiple subject 教学 credential. One 老师 who inspired me to 追求这一事业的是夫人. Bowen from my high 学校 Regional Occupational Program (ROP) class, Careers in Education. Apart from all the knowledge on the 教学 career that I received [in] the class, 夫人. Bowens’ personal career path gave me someone's experience to look up to, as she also grew up here in Salinas. 听她的故事 讲述了她是如何从滚球投注来到全国各地的 俄克拉何马州,住在那里,教不同的(年级)水平,最后来了 回到萨利纳斯在她以前的高中教书确实提供了广泛的经验 注意到. It all inspired me to want to become a 老师 here in the area 我成长的环境.

促使我想成为一名教师的最初本能的是满足感 I’ve always received from showing others how to do something new. 除了…之外 我是第一代墨西哥裔美国人,也是兄弟姐妹和表兄弟姐妹中的老大. 总是有年轻人让我教他们怎么做,不管是 it was [related] to 学校 or life, and I’ve always enjoyed doing so.

我想教的一个年级是五年级或六年级,主要是因为我想教 能让学生为小学毕业后的漫长旅程做好准备. 虽然 我不介意教低年级的学生,因为我参加了一个在 El Gabilan小学的一年级学生,享受工作的每一刻 和学生们一起.

Laura Elizabeth Torres-Resendiz ——精神抖擞

picture of Laura Torres 令人精神抖擞Let me introduce myself, I am Laura Elizabeth Torres-Resendiz. 经过十年的发展 毕业后,我带着三个美丽而有才华的女儿回到了学校 of 2019 to accomplish my dream of nearly 24 years. I recently graduated from Hartnell College fall of 2020, and have obtained my A.A. in Elementary Teacher Education. I 我已经被加州州立大学蒙特利湾分校录取了,我将在那里继续深造 my degree in Liberal Studies.

我清楚地记得三年级时老师对我的关心和奉献 Greenfield Elementary School. 夫人. Galvan is the one who inspired me to become a 老师. Now she is currently the superintendent in Greenfield. I can recall how much drive and devotion she had as a 老师. She cared for all of us and one of her methods 鼓励我们对学习充满热情是给了我们机会 和她一起吃午饭. Positive reinforcement was what I admire about her. 谢谢 你,夫人. Galvan for embedding many beautiful moments in my heart.

Being a mother has also inspired me to achieve my dream. A dream that has no expiration 约会,一个只有我能继续推动自己的梦想,一个总有一天会实现的梦想 我的三个女儿都看到了. 的y have inspired me and encouraged me to keep looking 向前. 我很年轻就当了母亲,但即使在那时,我也知道 教育我的女儿们价值观和机会,这些都是教育给予那些 寻找它. 我带我的女儿们去了金城的一个项目,当时叫做妈妈和 Me. This was an opportunity that as a mother I grabbed and learned from. 到......的时候 they each were in kindergarten their 老师 Ms. Deasy was impressed with how much 他们知道.

我希望有一天能实现我8岁时的梦想,成为一名教师. 成为那些迫切需要关爱的学生的声音和安慰. 我想要的 成为一名老师,帮助我的学生充满热情地实现他们的目标. 最后, 成为一名教师将帮助我的学生为将来成为积极的领导者做好准备. 改变并不总是从家里开始,对一些人来说,改变始于积极的学校 而这正是我希望有一天能带给我未来学生的.

目前,我希望通过我的CBEST测试,如果一切顺利,从那里开始 subbing here in Monterey County. As a paraeducator and in the past an active volunteer parent, I can possibly see myself 教学 kindergarten or second grade. 我很自信 教这两个年级很舒服,因为我上过幼儿园 当了四年的副教师,从不同的幼儿园学到了很多东西 老师. 至于二年级,我也自愿以家长的身份跟二年级一样 grade 老师 for different years. 学生 in second grade tend to be more independent, 但他们也处在一个实践学习绝对必要的时代. 总的来说, 我愿意在tk -5年级代课,谁知道呢,我可能会有一个改变 心灵的.

梅森麦卡洛 ——精神抖擞


My name is 梅森麦卡洛 and my major is History. Mr. 胡珀和先生. 帕切科有 激励我不断设定学术目标,我也贯彻了他们的批评 to become a better speaker and writer. 的 reason 我想 to be a 老师 is because students should be able to know past events and individuals in order to make their life better. 中学会 最有可能是教书的年龄,因为这是他们能理解的时候 easy concepts and even explore complex topics.

妮可王 - TPP第4组

妮可·金图片My name is Nicole King and my major is Liberal Studies. My goal is to become an elementary 学校的老师. 一个老师 has inspired me is my 7th-8th grade middle 学校 math 老师. 她激励我成为一名教师,因为她总是很支持我 在我不懂的时候可以帮助我,这鼓励了我 to help other students the same way. A reason why 我想要的 to become a 老师 is because 我觉得教学是一种特殊的方式来激励年轻的学生学习更多和 要有创造力. 的 grade that 我想要的 to teach is 2nd or 3rd grade, because at that 年级水平的学生处于一个发展阶段,他们可以成长,我想 inspire them to grow to their maximum ability.